Zitate 02D GutFürDich

Evonik Corporation | Bonnie Tully, President North America Region, 10/2022

We found the Inclusive Leadership Journey a valuable experience (as) it made us recognize we all have biases, and allowed us to reflect on this truth. Then, the Leadership Journey process gave us a format to create an actionable plan (as) we accept there is no quick fix when it comes to organizational culture change. […]

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Global D&I Congress | Nina Woodard, Conference Chair, 03/20217

I had the privilege of working with Michael as a part of the World HRD Congress 25th Anniversary Diversity and Inclusion program. Michael prepared a special kick off program for the event that was very inspirational and helped us start the day on the right note. His fact based insights are very impactful and an […]

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Evonik | Dr. Katrin Schmallenbach, VP HR, 10/2019

European Diversity supported Evonik in three strategic gender projects. Michael Stuber’s expertise, his experienced and critical perspective on the specifics of our company and his in-depth understanding of the relevant issues had a major impact on our work. This applied both to cultural, process and strategic analyses as well as the resulting approaches and recommendations. […]

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SBB | Judith Renevey, Head of D&I, 02/2019

In the summer of 2018, SBB successfully introduced “D&I for management teams”, a new format reflecting a holistic D&I approach. The co-conception with UngleichBesser has proven very successful. Using a train-the-trainer approach with detailed qualification of the facilitators, the offer consists of a learning process, tying D&I to business priorities in each field and focusing […]

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Volkswagen AutoUni | Andrea Troxler Fueter, Module Managing Diversity, 11/2004

European Diversity Research & Consulting proves to be an exceedingly competent concept partner through the creation and execution of the blended-learning-program of ,Managing Diversity’. With their essential combination of knowledge and experience, working with them was extremely constructive, professional and enriching.

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Bayer Animal Health | Dr. Afssaneh Rahbar, Diversity Manager, 12/2011

European Diversity Research & Consulting provided efficient and creative support in designing our Women Initiative kick-off day with almost 200 women at Bayer Animal Health and Crop Science in Monheim. Their experience in this field and Michael Stuber’s excellent English communication skills helped to engage global participants and top managers in a lively discussion which resulted in valuable insights. They also were a big support […]

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KIBIS | Edith Peter, Managing Director, 2012

Mr Stuber was our guest speaker at a the KIBIS networking meeting of Austrian HR leads. His contribution on “The Propelling Potential Principle” and as a facilitator of a panel discussion added a lot of value as he focused on the tangible benefits of Diversity for companies as well as presenting a consistent framework. Thanks […]

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