We found the Inclusive Leadership Journey a valuable experience (as) it made us recognize we all have biases, and allowed us to reflect on this truth. Then, the Leadership Journey process gave us a format to create an actionable plan (as) we accept there is no quick fix when it comes to organizational culture change. (We came) to consensus on a path forward to create a diverse, inclusive, and equitable workplace (and) an 'action journey' where real progress is being made.
D&I as a direct contribution to your strategy
Your company’s strategic priorities serve as a guideline for D&I. Whether innovation, growth, agility or efficiency: Diversity provides concrete contributions.
In times of tough, global and rapidly changing competition, companies require a all activities to be strictly aligned with business priorities. Through levers as creativity, productivity, market access or image, Diversity & Inclusion makes direct contributions to your current business strategies – if designed holistically and implemented consistently.
Position D&I to fit your business
It seems obvious that Diversity & Inclusion propels internationalisation, agility, M&A or the use of talent – generally and generically. However, ultimately it is important whether and how D&I can contribute to immediate priorities and current challenges your company has. The fundamental question, ‘Why should we deal with diversity at all’ must not only be answered on a high level – it requires specific answers, which we develop together with our clients for each strategy cycle.
“There is too much talk about how the digital transformation affects diversity and too little about what D&I can contribute to the journey.” Michael Stuber
Accepting challenges – strengthening success factors
The analysis of your challenges and the success factors for implementing your strategy will show how D&I best suits your company. Whether and what D&I contributes to your business should be the guideline for your future D&I management – beyond visionary core statements. The fit of D&I is most evident in
- Industries that are in upheaval or in global competition
- Environments with a pronounced shortage of skilled workers
- Business areas with a high consumer or market orientation.
Analyses therefore show a high D&I relevance in financial services, information technology and telecommunications, automotive, food and luxury goods, technology, consumer goods, trade, transport & logistics as well as for (former) state enterprises. Our experience in these and other industries supports the strategic alignment of your D&I framework.
Give D&I a clear profile – and add to your identity
In addition to a strategic (business) fit, Diversity & Inclusion can form a valuable part of your corporate identity. Whether as a value, a code of conduct or leadership competence: many of our projects show that several aspects of D&I can be effectively and consistently anchored in future-oriented models, so that they become an effective and sustainable element of D&I and vice versa. ENGINEERING D&I.
Related topics
Further Reading
D&I contributes to successful digital Transformation
What makes a robust Business Case for D&I?