Qualification, Training and Coaching for D&I Experts

Anchoring D&I in large organisations in a beneficial way requires specific knowledge, methodical skills and personal competencies. Where do D&I managers, D&I champions, D&I change agents and various promoters acquire the necessary knowledge and skills?

The handling of D&I requires different roles and responsibilities. Depending on the change approach, the topic requires power, technical and process promoters or ambassadors, champions and change agents. They all need differentiated knowledge about D&I, a clear understanding of relevant mechanisms in the organizational context and effective skills to bring about change in the respective environment.

Expert workshops: Training and further education for D&I managers

Do D&I managers see themselves as contact persons, managers of initiatives and programmes, or change champions? The development of new ways of working often begins with sharpening the understanding of roles. Compared to ten years ago, we see fundamentally new tasks in the field of D&I today:

  • From communication to dialogue: New technologies and critical basic attitudes make an interactive exchange possible and necessary.
  • From networks to platforms: It’s not the clique, but exposition and visible change that is needed
  • From good practice to sustainable improvements: Measurable progress requires specific approaches for your organisation

For over 15 years, our expert workshops have offered new perspectives, inspiring ideas and insights for D&I managers from Amsterdam to Cape Town and from Chicago to Mumbai.

Train – the – Trainer: Qualification of multipliers

The reach of D&I is multiplied by the use of stakeholders who represent the topic in their specialist or leadership role. They need appropriate support in performing this task.

  • From cascade to feedback & focus groups: Noticeable developments are based on a deeper understanding of the corporate culture experienced.
  • From events to experience formats: Effective interactions with employees require personal involvement
  • From mentoring or sponsoring to development relationships: New forms of professional development are reflected in changed relationships

Our train-the-trainer offers qualify the multipliers of your organisation both on the subject of D&I and in the perception of contemporary formats.

Inclusive Leadership Role Modeling: Executive D&I Coaching on supportive behaviour

The importance of role-modelling for D&I is undisputed, especially at top management levels. At the same time, there are remarkably few approaches that represent the perception of this role model function within the framework of the various management tasks: Strategic management, personnel management, authentic personal behaviour as well as the integration of private aspects – in all these areas, top and senior managers not only have the opportunity, but also the necessity, to integrate and convey the topic of D&I in an accentuated way.

Our executive briefing and coaching services are based on the reflection of individual leadership roles under D&I aspects with the aim of formulating concrete principles for action.

The long runner: D&I in HR

Diversity puts the individual at the centre of HR work, which otherwise follows the trend towards standardisation. The extent to which the HR value chain, from recruitment to personnel development and to personnel retention

  • promotes,
  • neutrally treats or even
  • hinders diversity

is only one fundamental question. In connection with Unconscious Bias, the focus today is on the consistent application of HR processes and management tools, including the integration of work and private life.


Further Reading

Food for thought: Mistakes D&I Managers should avoid

Seminars for D&I Managers What D&I Managers want to learn

The implementation of D&I in Europe: Different and still alike

Expert session How to measure the sucess of D&I

