Zitate 02A StrategischerWert

Evonik Corporation | Bonnie Tully, President North America Region, 10/2022

We found the Inclusive Leadership Journey a valuable experience (as) it made us recognize we all have biases, and allowed us to reflect on this truth. Then, the Leadership Journey process gave us a format to create an actionable plan (as) we accept there is no quick fix when it comes to organizational culture change. […]

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Generali Schweiz | Jean-Pierre Schmid, CHRO, 11/2018

Michael Stuber very competently and professionally accompanied our Diversity & Inclusion strategy development. In the workshop with our executive team, he succeeded in showing us the added value of Diversity & Inclusion and how to embed it in our corporate strategy. The collaboration was very enriching, effective and constructive and we benefited enormously from his […]

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Page Group | Goran Barić, Managing Director Germany, 12/2018

Michael Stuber’s D&I Workshop for our Management Team provided a deepened understanding of the scope and relevance of D&I beyond personal perception. With impressive inspiration and an adequate piece of humour, he facilitated a constructive dialogue to shape our approach to further integrate and leverage D&I in our company so that it contributes to the […]

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Motorola EMEA | Frieder Schrade, Global Leadership & Organization Development, 08/1998

At the beginning of our European Diversity activities, we developed, in cooperation with European Diversity Research & Consulting, a Diversity statement that highlighted the specific meaning of Diversity for Motorola in Europe. Furthermore, European Diversity Research & Consulting compiled a very effective and innovative presentation as part of an information package for our line managers.

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Symantec | Fernando Serpa, Global Manager Diversity and Inclusion, Symantec (Januar 2005), 01/2005

As part of our Global Diversity strategy, Symantec has created diversity councils led by a local Diversity champion at our sites throughout Europe. mi.st European Diversity Consulting has assisted us in preparing and carrying out successful work meetings with our local partners while effectively acknowledging European and national specifics. mi.st European Diversity Consulting has shown […]

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E.ON | Sven Rudloff, Group HR Policy, 10/2005

E.ON emerged from different companies, so that Diversity is key to the integration of our group on the one hand, and it is part of our corporate identity OneE.ON on the other hand. In bringing together experts and concepts from the U.S. and Europe, European Diversity Research & Consulting proved their competence in intercultural presentation […]

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Johnson & Johnson | Mieke Smet, Director Global Talent Management, 2008

Working with European Diversity, Research&Consulting was a great experience for me. It was the first time that I felt that an external organization understands very clearly the challenges of the business, finds the right approach to introduce the topic of diversity and inclusion and makes it clear and tangible. They speak the right business language […]

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HP | Eva Faenger, Diversity Manager HP Germany, 10/2010

Last year we launched a change process in order to focus our diversity activities and release new potentials. Mr. Stuber accompanied this process with great professionalism. His extensive technical and methodological expertise, his experience with countless other global companies, his clarity and openness as well as his holistic approach has convinced us. With “head, heart […]

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